dear Alumni,
We always tell our Graduates, “You may have left your studies at IPMI but you will never leave us”.

There are two special occasions which leaves a significant impact for IPMI; the Welcoming Day for our new students and our Graduation Ceremony Day for those who have completed their studies. On January 28th, 2019, we celebrated the beginning of a new journey for …. students, and at the same time, we welcome them as our youngest alumni.  
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In this edition, we are excited to welcome Prof. Dr. Aman Wirakartakusumah as IPMI’s new Executive Director (ED). We believe pak Aman (as he is fondly known) with his former experience as Rector of IPB and as Indonesia’s former Ambassador to the UNESCO in Paris, will help IPMI reach new heights. A brief profile of our new ED is described as you continue to read this newsletter.

Other topics to be shared with you are the achievements of IPMI as we continue to capture prestigious positions in international competitions. Please join me in applauding the students who have made us proud. 

Rifa Zahirsjah
Director of Admission, Student Affairs and Alumni Office
IPMI International Business School
  Event Highlights  
1993 Alumni Event
(15 December)
IPMI MBA Class of 1993 reconnected on campus for their 25th year reunion on Saturday the 15th of December! Among the 45 alumni was Minister Eko P. Sandjojo Eko Putro Sandjojo , who gifted IPMI with his book “Rural EKOnomies II.”
Judicium (20 December)
On the 20th of December 2018, IPMI had successfully organized Judicium ceremony for MM, EMM and BM Students who will graduate in January 2019. 
Graduation Ceremony (23 January)
IPMI International Business school are proud to organize the 44th graduation ceremony on the 23rd of January 2019. This event was also attended by Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah III Mrs. Illah Sailah. In this graduation ceremony, 80 BM, EMM and MM graduates received their graduation certificate. 
New Executive Director 
Through the special ceremony of 29 January 2019, Mr Jimmy M Gani, MPA handed over the Executive Directorship of IPMI International Business School to Professor M Aman Wirakartakusumah. The event was held in the presence of the Chairpersons of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Management of Yayasan Pengembangan Manajemen Indonesia (YPMI), Members of the School’s Senate, Faculty Members and Staffs, Student Representatives and Alumni. We warmly welcome Professor Aman to be part of the IPMI Business International School and we kindly thank Mr Gani for all his efforts in advancing our School and wish him the very best for his future endeavours.
Commencing 1 February 2019, Professor Aman is the Executive Director of the School. He hails from long-standing academic and public service experiences. He is a Professor Emeritus at Department of Food Science and Technology and Senior Scientist at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Indonesia. He was the Rector of IPB (1998-2002), the Head of Department of Food Science and Technology and Director of Inter University Center for Food and Nutrition (1987-1996).
He was Indonesia’s Ambassador to UNESCO, Paris-France (2004-2008), Fellow of IAFoST, Chairman of IUFoST Education Committee, Scientific Director of ILSI SEA, and involved in Codex Alimentarius Commission FAO/WHO. He was the two-times period Chairman of the Indonesian National Education Standards Board (Badan Standarisasi Nasional Pendidikan/BSNP) (2011- 2012 and 2012-2013). He was the Rector of Sampoerna University (Universitas Siswa Bangsa International) (2013-2015).

He obtained his Ir degree from IPB in 1972, his M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees in Food Science/minor in Chemical Engineering from the UW-Madison, USA in 1977 and 1981, respectively.
Model United Nations
Indonesian Maritime Community (IMC) is a youth organization that was founded in 2017 which consists of young people who have the desire to increase the awareness of the Indonesian people in matters relating to maritime affairs.

On the 14th, 15th and 16th the IMC cooperated with the IPMI Executice Student Board to hold the Maritime Model United Nations (Maritime MUN) which is the vision of the IMC to involve young people in discussions relating to maritime affairs.
The topics raised include:
• Drug Trafficking Via Sea Routes and World Peace (UNODC)
• Countering / Confronting the Existential Threat Maritime Pollution (UNEP) 
Besides IPMI Students, this event is also followed by students from other universities such as Universitas Indonesia, Binus, LSPR and many others. 
  Bachelor of Management  
  (BM) Corner
IPMI Students won first prize for Talent for Paris 
Talent for France is an international competition for both undergraduate and masters student sponsored by La French Tech. Agorize, the leading online platform for open innovation challenges, is the one that organizes the competition. This challenge has aimed to highlight innovative business ideas, products or services for more than fifty French startups under the La French Tech.

Our group has an idea for a startup named Yescapa. The company provides an online rental platform for motorhomes and vans between private individuals. Focused on hacking Yescapa's growth, we proposed an idea of a new feature that allows people to travel with strangers across Europe using the motorhomes that are available in Yescapa. We depicted the new feature as a combination of Uber, Airbnb, and Tinder, but instead of matching pairs, it will be a group of four to five people. We would like to allow the travellers to gain trouvaille, a French word that essentially means "an unexpected valuable discovery," by sharing not only the vehicle but also the experience with strangers. We believe that this thought-provoking idea could attract more customer for Yescapa.
We were overwhelmingly excited when we got announced as one of the 12 finalists that were invited to go to Paris to pitch our idea. The competition was very tight since there are 989 teams and 2966 students from 116 countries participated. To be the only contenders from Asia in such prestigious international competition is a memorable experience for us.
The final event took place in the Ministère de l'Économie et des Finances Françaises and was conducted in a publicly open conference format. So, aside from the finalist pitching, there was some notable French business practitioner speaking. We were very nervous because there were about five hundred people attended the event. The ideas from other contenders were also brilliant. At that moment, we thought "This is crazy, how can we win it?" But, we remembered the effort we have put to be there, as well as the support from our lecturers, friends, and family. We believe that we have given our best, and there's no other way we can finish it but with confidence. That mindset has brought us the fighting spirits to make Indonesia proud.

During the awarding ceremony, our group name, Le Lemper, was called to receive the award as the first winner of the growth hacking category. We froze for a moment, trying to make sure that it is really us that won. We walked to the stage surrounded with applause and congratulations. Mission accomplished, Lemper has conquered the land of Croissants.

Le Lemper
IPMI student participated in Youth Global Forum in Paris
Youth Time International Movement held their annual Youth Global Forum in Paris, France this year where IPMI MM students Faruqi and Nazneen presented their project “Tekad Muda.” Pak Ardo ardordwitanto our Faculty Member attended as the IPMI’s financial expert and Pak Jimmy @jimmyrgani our CEO was one of the judges of the forum where he and Ibu Dana awarded the runner up a full scholarship at IPMI’s MM Program.
  Do You Know?                  
1. TIREBRO An online tire shop that partnership with almost 40 tire shops around Jabodetabek, not only selling tires but also other auto parts related with tires, such as accu, oil lubricants, general services, etc. Currently this online shop not only selling to end user, but also become supplier for Fleet companies. Further info, you may contact 0877 8831 0731. Or contact directly to Fadhillah Indrabudi, IPMI graduate of BBA 2009.
A Café/ Coffee shop located in 5 areas in Jakarta, is co-owned by Syenny Catherine Widjaja, IPMI graduate of EMBA 2000.
  IPMI Memory Lane                  
Its time to walk down memory lane.
Below is picture of Alumni IPMI Class 1997. 
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